In the past year, I have learnt that my ability to produce and choose final imagery that resolves a brief is beginning to improve. From the start of the year I was unable to develop my ideas and produce a significant outcome, however recently, I have been able to resolve final design ideas for each project. I feel my design practice over the last year has become stronger as I am able to produce a series of ideas and then be able to choose which one will be my final outcome.
My practical skills have developed further this year as II have been able to use Flash, Dreamweaver, and Photoshop. I am not confident with programs with these and my knowledge in how to use them isn't great however I feel I have grasped the basic concept and this has helped me to have other possibilities for final pieces.
I feel my main strength is my ability to illustrate. I feel I will follow through this way of working next year and hopefully, be more successful at it. I want to be more experimental with my illustrations, using a range of mixed medias, rather than the basic tools. I also think my design development is good although I need to be able to select a certain few to run with.
The most important area for me to improve is my computer skills and my time management. I need to be able to organise my time for each project not only so as I produce a greater quantity of work but also so I produce my final ideas to a high professional standard.
I think I want to focus my designs on current affairs, as I find my work is driven by the here and now, stuff going on in the news and stuff thats going on here and around me as I am very observant and am a visual learner. Before I move onto what I am going to do next I think I need to re-evaluate the process of how I work, I know I want to follow an illustration route through my future projects but in order to be better at this I need to from the start of each brief be able to allocate sufficient time and practice to each project.