Pimping this low rider up, started off with just the basics, got my friend to weld a seat on, this has been covered in peter stringfella leopad print, got a clown horn on the handle bars, for honkin at women, and got the monkey style APE hanger handle bars, shes just awaiting her candy pink sprayjob

AIRFORCE 1's get the candy pink treatment

To go with my low rider, my old airforce 1"s needed a lick of candy pink

PINK laces

keepin them custumised, all about the salmon pink laces


DIESEL aftershave bottle design

Love this diesel aftershave bottle design, the aftershave is in a milk bottle, and the packaging is a milk carton looks the nuts

Friends Tatt design

My mate at work wanted a "H" design for his son Henry on his arm so i done this oldskool version

Evisu Lighter

Loved the design of this lighter, love the evisu jeans, and would love this to go with them