Evaluation for Autumn Term work

I feel I have identified weaknesses in my work in these self directed briefs. I feel the my time management is unorganised in order to fulfil my briefs and complete my work successfully. I need to actually make use of student support to help plan out how I will produce my work and help build upon skills that i have already. I feel that once I have set myself a task, I find it hard to generate ideas and get confused about my ideas, rather than choosing an idea and working on it as my final piece. I think i also need to improve upon the quality of my final pieces and take them from within my work and develop them more on their own. I found with my illustration brief I liked using mixed media in my images. I liked the results I achieved and I feel I could develop this and use this in future work. I found it helpful doing old briefs as I actually have something to work towards, as I found it most difficult setting my own targets and briefs as I became unsure of the direction I was going to take. I liked my projects that mocked famous artworks of Damien Hirst and the Times Art Supplement. I like the way I used the subjects behind the artists, like the artist who used the fluorescent light and I questioned its position but with the sticker "Art or Rubbish". I used this theme to produce five images of famous artworks with the same tongue in cheek style. I felt this was the strongest of my art projects as it questioned my role and values as a designer. With the typeface/street art brief I was happy with the work I produced however I found myself struggling with how to develop it as I knew I had to produce an A-Z of street art but I didn't know where to take the brief. The end piece was not developed properly as I did not take my time and the final presentation of my image was simple and could of been developed better. In the future I feel I need to organise my time with briefs, have briefs set out for me rather than making my own as I find this more difficult to begin with. Once I have started my research I find it easy to get going with my development ideas, however I could not do this with my self directed briefs. I will address this in my next projects.